Hi. I'm Shawn

My twenties came around and I decided it was time to get a girlfriend (#goals). My life after 18 was spent pretty much playing video games and working. There wasn’t any exercising or physical activity. Naturally, I gained a little bit of weight from the 12-pack of Mountain Dews I was drinking every night. So, I decided to try to lose some weight.
I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know where to start. I didn’t have anyone around me that knew how to help and the internet was filled with as much information as today. I decided that I would just stop eating as much. “Eating as much” turned into me not eating at all. Well, I had a 6-inch Subway sandwich every day. That’s it. About 320 calories a day. No exercise. Just pure starving myself. But, I didn’t know any better at the time.
I did this for 6 months. I would be constantly in pain from hunger, from when I woke up to when I would go to sleep. But guess what happened?! I lost 70 pounds. It came at a price though. I looked very sickly. To the point where people were saying that I looked “pale” and “malnourished”. I guess that is what happens when you purposely starve yourself for 6 months. My only goal at the time was to make sure that I weighed less every day. If I didn’t, I felt like a failure. My life, emotions, and sanity were attached to the scale. I got what I wanted though, I lost weight.
Nothing changed. My life didn’t get better. I didn’t magically get a girlfriend over night and I was tired of being hungry all the time.